Find Us
The Gill Nethercott Centre is located adjacent to Whitchurch Silk Mill and the Winchester Street public car park, which is free, with easy access to the A34 and A303.
Whitchurch is on the main Basingstoke - Exeter railway, with trains (08457 484950) approximately hourly in each direction. There are easy links to London, Southampton, Reading and the Midlands. Ticket office is open mornings only and there is a ticket machine.
There are also regular weekday buses (08451 120180) to Winchester (86), Andover (76) and Basingstoke (76/86).
From the A34 South
Turn off left on the slip road signposted to Whitchurch and pass under the A34. Follow towards the town turning just before the river bridge at the Silk Mill into the car park (free).
From the A34 North
Turn off left on the slip road signposted to Whitchurch. Continue to the small roundabout in the Town centre, and take road towards Winchester (Winchester Street). After 200m cross river bridge at Silk Mill and immediately turn right into the car park (free).
From B3400
On reaching the roundabout in the Town centre take the road south towards Winchester (Winchester Street). After 200m cross river bridge at the Silk Mill and immediately turn right into the car park (free).
From Railway Station
Leave station forecourt and turn left along Station Road (signposted to Silk Mill). At cross roads turn right and descend hill into the Town Centre. At the small roundabout in The Square, cross over into Winchester Street then as above. It is about a 10 minute walk, but is longer coming back because of the hill.
Buses regularly leave the Railway Station during the daytime. No.76/86 will take you to the The Square. If the No.86 has 'Winchester' on the front it takes you to the Silk Mill which is closer.